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Travel & Reimbursement Procedures

Faculty requesting departmental travel funding must complete the FY25 Travel survey (deadline Sept. 13) to confirm they plan to travel and receive an allocation. Minimum allocations from Franklin College are $700 per tenure-track and $350 for non-tenure-track faculty but could increase if some colleagues return their funds to the pool. To know your current FY25 allocation for travel, email the Office Manager. Unallocated funds will be returned to the pool and redistributed, and funds not claimed for reimbursement within Franklin College's required deadline of 30 days after travel will be returned to the pool by March 1. For additional travel funding requests from the pool, email the Department Head. When you are traveling internationally please follow the procedure to apply for Provost International Travel Funds. Please note that the forms signed by the Department Head and supplementary materials must be sent to April Brown to receive Dean/Vice President approval. 

Graduate students should discuss travel funding with the Graduate Coordinator as soon as a conference paper acceptance is received. If funding is awarded from the Graduate School or another source you must submit a Travel Authorization and Expense Report. Departmental funds may be available to graduate students, providing that they meet the following criteria: they are either not eligible for or applied for and did not receive a Graduate School Travel Grant, and they are in good academic standing. To be considered for departmental funds, students must send the conference paper acceptance, the abstract for the paper to be presented, and reasoning for requesting departmental funds to the Graduate Coordinator. All departmental funds are limited to $400, subject to availability, and may only be received once per academic year. 

To submit a Travel Authorization (a minimum of 4 weeks prior to departure for international travel and 2 weeks prior for domestic): 

  1. Follow the BSC Delegation Instructions and ensure the Franklin BSC team are listed as delegates to edit and submit Travel Authorizations as well as edit Expense Reports.
  2. Fill out and email the Travel Authorization Form. You’ll need to email this completed form to and they will do the TA in OneSource for you. Alternatively, you can do your own TA in OneSource, if desired.
  3. When you submit your TA for approval by the Department Head, if you are presenting a paper, you must submit a copy of the email acceptance, or image of the program listing you as a speaker.

Per Diem Rates Within US (Guidelines for per diem reimbursement, funding entity may have additional restrictions)

Per Diem Rates International (Guidelines for per diem reimbursement, funding entity may have additional restrictions)

To submit an Expense Report: Travelers must submit receipts for reimbursement within 30 days from the end date of your travel authority to allow for adjustments and approval.

  1. For assistance with all expense reports, including those related to travel, email receipts and information related to the purchase to the BSC team at They will fill out the report on your behalf, but you will be responsible for submitting for final approval in OneSource. Alternatively, you can do your own Expense Report in OneSource, if desired. 

    Travelers must submit receipts for reimbursement within 30 days from the end date of your travel authority to allow for adjustments and approval.


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