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Hispanic & Romance Linguistics

Linguistics pic

Hispanic and Romance linguistics study language in all its aspects using scientific methods.  Research in the department covers the major areas of theoretical and applied linguistics in the Romance Languages including historical linguistics, language variation and change, pragmatics, semantics, and syntax, as well as the study of Catalan, Galician, Quechua, and endangered Indigenous languages of the Americas. 

Image source: El País

Related Events

Timothy Gupton (University of Georgia), Margaret Lubbers Quesada (University of Georgia), Chad Howe (University of Georgia)

401 Gilbert Hall / Zoom
María González-Ferrer (University of Georgia) María González-Ferrer (University of Georgia) Luis González, Interpreting and Translation Studies (Wake Forest University)
Gilbert Hall
María González-Ferrer (University of Georgia) María González-Ferrer (University of Georgia) Luis González, Interpreting and Translation Studies (Wake Forest University)
Gilbert Hall
Chantell Smith Limerick, Spanish Program, Latin America Studies, and African American Studies (Centre College)

Latin American and Caribbean Institute
Chantell Smith Limerick, Spanish Program, Latin America Studies, and African American Studies (Centre College)

Gilbert Hall 118
Kim Potowski, PhD, Hispanic and Italian Studies (University of Illinois, Chicago)
Larry Walker Room (4th Floor, Dean Rusk Hall)

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Spanish pragmatics and semantics, conversation and discourse analysis, applied linguistics

Linguistic Fieldwork: Galician, Portuguese, Spanish, Malayalam, Tenetehára

Crosslinguistic study of the semantics and pragmatics of tense, aspect, modality, evidentiality, quantification, count/mass distinction and number

Phonetics and phonology Laboratory phonology (production and perception) Sociolinguistic variability Acoustics Metathesis and other phonological processes

My primary interest is the representation of language in the monolingual and multilingual mind. In particular, I am interested in how discourse/information structure combines with word order, and what makes some word orders more acceptable than others. Although my primary languages of interest are Western Romance (Galician, Catalan, Spanish,…

Some Current Projects:

Grammaticalization and language change in Romance Languages Language variation and change in social media Incipient Language Shift in a Southern Latino Community Indigenous Languages in Latin America: Contact, Shift, and Maintenance

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