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Latin American, Iberian & Latinx Studies

Vasconcelos library Mexico

Latin American, Iberian, and Latinx Studies examine the cultural, political, and written traditions and movements of the Americas, the Caribbean, Europe, and Africa which have in common the Spanish language and the legacy of Spanish imperial expansion. Research in the department spans from the early modern and colonial periods to modernisms, postmodernism, and present day trends, including focuses on book history, embodiment, environmental ethics, human rights, memory, migration, print, digital, and visual culture.

Photo source: José Vasconcelos Library taken from

Related Events

Miller Learning Center 148
Alberto Villate-Isaza (University of Georgia)

118 Gilbert Hall
Juancho Cano,

Miller Learning Center (MLC) 153

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Gilbert Hall 118
Lesley Feracho (University of Georgia), Cris Lira (University of Georgia)
Brooks Hall - Room 145
Lesley Feracho (University of Georgia), Sharina Maillo Pozo (University of Georgia), Marcela Garza (University of Georgia), Racheal Fulford (University of Georgia)
MLC 248

Related Articles

Cecília Rodrigues, Cris Lira, and Ligia Bezerra (Arizona State U) have edited a special issue of the prestigious literary journal Estudos de Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea 

The article entitled "A parte dos Críticos de 2666, de Roberto Bolaño, como análise da globalização" [The Part About the Critics, in Roberto Bolaño's 2666, as an analysis of Globalization], authored…


Mexican Narrative, Disaster Studies, Latin American Ecocriticism, the Total Novel 


Latin American literature Book History Digital Humanities Publishing History Descriptive and Analytical Bibliography Access and Preservation of the Cultural Record

Premodern Spain, treatises, conduct books, lyric poetry, Franciscan studies, class & gender, works by and about women, Baroque aesthetics.

Digital Poetry & Poetics & Humanities, Cyberculture, Science & Literature & Culture, Human Rights, Posthumanism

Dr. Feracho specializes in contemporary Latin American narrative and in particular women's narrative of the Caribbean, as well as Afro-Latin American narrative and poetry. Her current research involves cross-cultural literary texts (in both narrative and poetry) of women writers of African descent from the Americas (both Spanish-speaking and…

Some Current Projects:

Grammaticalization and language change in Romance Languages Language variation and change in social media Incipient Language Shift in a Southern Latino Community Indigenous Languages in Latin America: Contact, Shift, and Maintenance

Dr. Betina Kaplan has research interests in contemporary Latin American literature, visual culture, and film. She is the author of Género y violencia en la narrativa del cono sur (1954-2003), 2007. 

19th and 20th century Latin American literatures. Modernization and Modernisms. Travel Writing. Journalism, politics and literature.

My research interests are interdisciplinary with a common focus on the relationship between literature and popular music, gender, and performance studies in three closely related areas: Latinx, Latin American & Caribbean, and Dominican Studies. My first line of research examines the presence of popular music in contemporary Latinx and…

Latin American colonial literature, culture and historiography, particularly in the New Kingdom of Granada. Other interest and areas of research include social and political theory of the baroque, discourses of Latin American national identity, and nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Latin American literature, especially modernismo. …

I study and teach about early modern Spain in the context of imperial expansion. I am also the editor of the Bulletin of the Comediantes, the international journal devoted to the study of early-modern Spanish theater. My book, The Epic of Juan Latino: Dilemmas of Race and Religion in Renaissance Spain (University of Toronto…

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