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Tags: Romance Linguistics

Twelve current and former UGA ROML linguists recently presented their research at the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, hosted in Omaha, Nebraska October 17-19, 2024.  Congratulations to all of them! Sarah Hubbel (UGA PhD 2024, now University of North Georgia): Predicate constituent order variation in the Spanish-Quechua contact situation of Cusco, Peru Caitlin Samples (UGA/Stanford University): Four years later: is gender-inclusive language…
The article "What formal approaches to syntactic interfaces can tell us about the syntax of preverbal and prenominal constituents in Galician" recently appeared in New Developments in Galician Linguistics, a special issue of the journal Languages guest edited by Dr. Xosé Luís Regueira and Dr. Elisa Fernández Rei, both of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain).  This article was co-authored by Dr. Timothy Gupton and UGA…
My research interests lie in phonetics and phonology.  More specifically, my research focuses on laboratory phonology, phonological representations, and sociophonetic variability.  Disentangling surface forms (the sounds we produce) from abstract forms (how they are represented in the brain) has always been a primary goal for phonological theories, but finding appropriate methods to test these questions is challenging.  I use a…
María González-Ferrer has been selected as a recipient of a 2024 Sigma Delta Pi (SDP) Graduate Research Grant Award among a very competitive pool of applicants nationwide. This will be a huge help in funding María's dissertation research project on clitic doubling in the Spanish of Spain, Argentina, and Mexico. ¡Enhorabuena, María!
Congratulations to Sarah Hubbel, who successfully defended her doctoral dissertation, entitled "Predicate constituent order variation in the Andes: A comparative analysis of Andean Spanish and bilingual Cusco Quechua" on March 27, 2024.
The article "Processing dissociations between raising and control in Brazilian Portuguese" recently appeared in the First View portion of the Journal of Linguistics. This article was co-published by UGA Department of Linguistics alumnus Dr. Douglas Merchant (PhD, 2019) and Dr. Timothy Gupton. This project started before the Covid-19 pandemic, and is the first manuscript resulting from this collaboration. Congratulations to them! 
Congratulations to Ningxian Li, who successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, entitled "V(P) copying in Spanish and Chinese" on January 26, 2024. In his dissertation, Li compares the syntax, semantics, and information structure of verb-fronting and predicate-fronting constructions in Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. The committee was impressed by the coherence and organization of his argumentation. ¡Felicitaciones, Dr. Li!   Sarah…
My primary area of research is language variation and change, focusing on structural phenomena in the Romance Languages. More generally, I investigate the forces that shape language use and the subsequent effect that these forces have on how language evolves. The most recent extension of this research involves analyzed data from social media for evidence of language change. I am also involved in work related to Spanish/Quechua contact. For a…
(Ph.D. University of Iowa, 2010) Research (my ORCID) Effective August 2024, I have been promoted to the rank of Professor.  I specialize in syntax, which means that I study sentence structure and word order. In my research, I seek to discover insight on how language structure is represented within the human mind—in monolinguals as well as bilinguals/multi-linguals. I do this by focusing on a variety of constructions in language. …
Pilar Chamorro's research focuses on the semantic and pragmatic contribution of temporal, aspectual, and modal expressions across languages. She is also interested in the semantics of plurals, the mass/count distinction, and quantification. She has done fieldwork on Spanish, Galician and Portuguese (Romance) since 2007, and on Malayalam (Dravidian) since 2013. Since 2015, she has been doing fieldwork  on Tenetehára (Tupi-Guarani) in Brazil…

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