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Guaraní Linguistics Colloquium

The following three papers on Guaraní linguistics will be presented:

Kerry Steinberg (UGA) “Language use, language attitude, and mobility: The case of the rural and urban areas of Coronel Oviedo, Paraguay”

Elizabeth Herring (Indiana Unversity) “A historical and comparative investigation on the origins of Guaraní question markers Pa, Pio and Piko”

Bruno Estigarribia, PhD (UNC-Chapel Hill) “The status of morphologically mixed words in Guarani-Spanish mixing”

Dr. Ana Maria Carvalho, Invited speaker in Portuguese Linguistics

Invited speaker Dr. Ana Maria Carvalho (University of Arizona) will present her talk “Portuguese in contact with Spanish: Evidence for language divergence”.

This talk was organized by the 2013 Portuguese Linguistics in the United States (PLUS) Organizing Committee. It is sponsored by the Willson Center, the President's Venture Fund, LACSI, the Portuguese Flagship Program, and the Department of Romance Languages.

Italian Film Series: Romanza di una strage / Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy (2012) dir. Marco Tullio Giordana

Cinecittà is the annual Italian movie night series organized by the Italian section of the Department of Romance Languages and this year we are at its 6th edition.

For this 6th edition we selected of four films that deal with resistance, insurgency and terrorism under the clash of competing ideologies. Click here to view the flyer.

Invited speaker: Dr. Mary McMains

The Experimental Research in Linguistics (ERL) Intitative welcomes invited speaker Dr. Mary McMains, MEd, FCOVD, Neuro-Developmental Optometrist (Austin Eye Gym). Dr. McMains will give a presentation entitled “How Visual Function Impacts Learning”.

Friday, March 21, 2014

3:00-4:00 pm

Gilbert Hall 115

This presentation is sponsored by a Learning Technologies Grant from The Center for Teaching and Learning

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