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Tags: Romance Languages

The article entitled "O fruto estranho de Bernardo Kucinski" [Bernardo Kucinski's Strange Fruit], authored by Portuguese PhD student, Fábio Mariano, appeared in the most recent volume of the journal Revista de Estudos Literários da UEMS. Congratulations to Fábio Mariano! 
This December, David Burke's essay “El mal de Chagas: Su historia y la necesidad de financiar las vacunas para lucharlo” appears in The Classic, the Writing Intensive Program’s journal of undergraduate writing and research. David's paper analyzes how widespread the Chagas disease is in Latin America and the Southern United States and the urgent support needed for vaccine development.  You can read the latest issue and find out more about…
The article entitled "A parte dos Críticos de 2666, de Roberto Bolaño, como análise da globalização" [The Part About the Critics, in Roberto Bolaño's 2666, as an analysis of Globalization], authored by Portuguese PhD student, Fábio Mariano, appeared in the most recent volume of the journal Revista da Associação Brasileira de Hispanistas (abehache). Congratulations to Fábio Mariano! 
Luana Santos is an M.A. student at the University of Georgia. Her research interests are Brazilian music and literature. Luana also has an M.A. in education from Universidade Federal de Sergipe and has been teaching English and Portuguese as additional languages for the last ten years, in diverse settings. She likes writing poetry, singing, and practicing the acoustic guitar.
The article entitled "El foco, la estructura informativa y el ser focalizador en el español cibaeño" [Focus, information structure, and focalizing ser in Cibaeño Spanish], authored by Dr. Timothy Gupton, appeared in the most recent volume of the journal Revista International de Lingüística Iberoamericana (RILI). Congratulations to Dr. Gupton! 
The article "Why we need a gradient approach to word order" recently appeared (ahead of print) in the journal Linguistics. An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences. This project was led by Dr. Natalia Levishna (Max Planck Institute) and Dr. Savithry Namboodiripad (University of Michigan), and was co-authored by a team of international researchers including Dr. Timothy Gupton. ​​​​This paper started as collection of separate…
Natalie Navarrete, a triple major in Spanish, Russian, and International Affairs, and a minor in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, was recently named a 2023 Rhodes Scholar. Natalie is currently completing a national security-focused scholarship in Kazakhstan as a Boren Scholar. She spoke with Dr. Tim Gupton, Associate Professor of Spanish Linguistics, about the value of her language studies at UGA (full video below): ...All of the…
PhD Student and Teaching Assistant of Portuguese/Spanish at University of Georgia, Michel Soares do Carmo holds a M.A. in Linguistics and a B.A. in Languages and Literatures with a concentration in Portuguese, both from Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG). He has extensive experience in teaching through different levels (middle and high school; university; adult education) and ages (from 12 to 71). Right before starting his PhD Studies, he was a…
Congratulations to Darío Lizancos Robles on the successful defense of his doctoral dissertation entitled “Fluidez oral en ASL: Aplicaciones a los programas de estudio en el extranjero" ("Oral fluency in SLA: Applications to study-abroad programs"). Furthermore, we are happy to announce that Darío has accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Spanish in the Department of Romance, German, & Slavic…
Congratulations to University of Georgia's newest PhD in Romance Linguistics, Dr. María Morado-Vázquez, who successfully defended her dissertation, "La adquisición del orden sujeto-verbo en la intransitividad y la interfaz sintaxis-discurso: Un estudio sobre la entrada lingüística dirigida al estudiante" on July 15, 2022. Enhorabuena and Parabéns, Dr. Morado-Vázquez! Timothy Gupton (major professor) Chad Howe Avizia Long Margaret Quesada

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